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Friday, February 4, 2011


Well, like the rest of the Midwest and Northeast, Dayton, Ohio has had a heck of a week after a hell of a winter. After a massive ice storm, my house lost power for about ten hours. The night of snowegeddon, an apartment building in the neighborhood had some type of fire danger. Four fire trucks and an ambulance lit up my house like the Fourth of July, while we sat up in the dark listening to trees collapsing outside our window. Luckily, no trees fell on my house or my car. Although it is reminiscent of Hurricane Ike around my neighborhood right now (yes, we had hurricane strength winds in Ohio two years ago!) luckily, I have power now. Did not know what I would do with these two kids with no power in the middle of winter.

I do miss Detroit winters though. I know that sounds stupid. But, in Detroit, when we get a winter storm, it is snow, not ICE! And not rain. It is usually bright, white snow! Also, in Detroit, they know how to clean this stuff up pretty darn quickly. There is a whole industry devoted to it really. Down here in Southern Ohio, they act like a winter storm is the White Death. I have never really seen anything like it before. The grocery store is cleaned out. The news is acting like it is the end of the world. Schools, churches, businesses close. I always think, "Boy, this is not Michigan."

I hear that Detroit only got six or seven inches - not the twenty something that hit Chicago. That is a good thing. Although, Detroit could handle it. It can handle a lot. :)

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