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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Women and Alcohol

So I am part of an amazing generation of women really. We were sold this bill of goods that we could have it all. And guess what? We bought it all. And it is true, to a point. I have it all. I have three beautiful children. I had an 18 year marriage. I have the finest education. I live my vocation and have my dream job. But we have it all at what cost? I for one get tired. That is for sure. Let's be honest for a minute - it is a crazy time. Crazy, crazy, crazy.  No wonder people are drinking now more than ever. Thanks pandemic. 

Two of my role models right now are Brene Brown and Elizabeth Vargas. Both have been honest about their alcohol use. Elizabeth Vargas was outted after a stint in rehab. That is terrible -- whomever did that to her; like what kind of soul sucking loser doesn't respect anonymity? That hurt her, and believe me, I get that, but she has come to realize like I have that sometimes the worst things that you live through end up being the biggest blessings.  It all works together for His good. I don't know how, but it does in the end.  You just have to trust the universe to pull you forward. Now Vargas has written a book about alcoholism and is using her wisdom in recovery to help others. 

Brene Brown is just a rock star. She used to drink. She is honest about that. And she quit. She openly shares how much better her life is now due to that choice. Brown researches how vulnerability actually is our strongest asset. 

Never once did I judge these women when I heard about their drinking. I actually admired them more for their honesty and to hear they were in recovery. They both quit drinking and have killer careers. Both are so smart and beautiful. This disease does not discriminate. They both are working to break the stigma of addiction and mental health issues and help people get well in a very sick society. 

If you hear them both talk about their use of alcohol, so much of it was based on anxiety. Of course there are many other reasons women drink - sex, men, etc. But so much of even that is rooted in anxiety. I have a diagnosed anxiety disorder. So much of my former alcohol use was about treating those feelings of anxiety. I have social anxiety. I know that everyone thinks I am an extreme extrovert, but I actually test 50/50 introvert/extrovert. Both women quit drinking and their anxiety lessened. That is a miracle That is also occuring for me. I feel so much better not drinking! 

The deal is though, these career women have a lot of pressure. Being a working woman in this patriachal society is tough stuff. Both are extremely successful women. Ontop of that, I think they both have kids. I know Elizabeth Vargas has two  boys. Vargas is a singlemom. Brown is still married. Both single life and matrimony are challenging. 

I know Vargas tells her chldren sorry all of the time. She has two boys. I relate to this so much. You are such a better mom not drinking. Being a mom of any sort is not easy. Being a stay at home mom is so tough. And being a succesful career mom is - no other words - crazy. Both of these women got better though and would not go back. The Sunnyside is a lot better I tell ya! And there is nowhere to go but up! 

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